Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 25th, 2013: School Holidays

School vacations.... Hmm... How are they organized throughout the world? School systems? Anything specific you wish to share on that topic?

Bring the article you picked to Monte Cristo, Jardin de ville, 1st floor. We'll be meeting from 7pm to 8.30pm. See you then!


  1. And I thought that 'best timetable' meant 'what is best for the kids'. How naive! http://www.clairesweb.net/Microsoft%20Word%20-%20School%20Timetable.pdf

  2. So... who was Charlemagne, and who was Horace Mann?

    Charlemagne => http://www.jedessine.com/c_16628/lecture/reportages-pour-enfant/histoire/qui-a-invente-l-ecole

    Horace Mann => http://invention.yukozimo.com/who-invented-schools/
